The following individuals and organizations have assisted greatly in this endeavor. Also, the listed publications have proven to be a fine source for information which otherwise might never have come to light. 

Franklin B. Tucker, author


Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tuttle Holsman
Barry Holsman
Henrietta Holsman
David Kolzow
Ralph Dunwoodie
Ryan DeVries
The many individual Holsman owners with whom Franklin B. Tucker and Henrietta Holsman have had contact, by letter, telephone and in person.
AACA Library & Research Center
Deschutes Historical Center, Bend, Oregon
Ford Transportation Museum, Dearborn, Michigan
Holsman Literature 1903-1910
Holsman factory records
Horseless Age
Memoryville USA (Museum), Rolla, Missouri
Motor Age
MoToRs Annual Motor Car Directories
The Motor-Car Journal, England, 1903
National Motor Museum Library, Beaulieu, England
Reynolds-Alberta Museum, Alberta, Canada
Roy Tetslaff’s tape interview with H.K. Holsman
Scientific American 1902-1910
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
South Dakota Historical Society, Pierre, SD


Deschutes, Ford, Memoryville and Reynolds, listed above, all display Holsmans in their collections, as do those major museums shown below. There are also many small public and private museums in the United States with a Holsman in their collection.

Alholm Automobile Museum, Lolland, Denmark
Autotron Drunen, Drunen, Netherlands
Imperial Palace Auto Collections, Las Vegas, Nevada
Len Southward Museum, Paraparaumu, New Zealand
Texas Science Center Automotive Collection, San Antonio, Texas
York Motor Museum, York, Perth, Western Australia