The following individuals and organizations have assisted greatly in this endeavor. Also, the listed publications have proven to be a fine source for information which otherwise might never have come to light.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tuttle Holsman
Barry Holsman
Henrietta Holsman
David Kolzow
Ralph Dunwoodie
Ryan DeVries
The many individual Holsman owners with whom I have had contact, by letter, telephone and in person.
AACA Library & Research Center
Deschutes Historical Center, Bend, Oregon
Ford Transportation Museum, Dearborn, Michigan
Holsman Literature 1903-1910
Holsman factory records
Horseless Age
Memoryville USA (museum), Rolla, Missouri
Motor Age
MoToRs Annual Motor Car Directories
The Motor-Car Journal, England, 1903
National Motor Museum Library, Beaulieu, England
Reynolds-Alberta Museum, Alberta, Canada
Roy Tetslaff’s tape interview with H.K. Holsman
Scientific American 1902-1910
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
South Dakota Historical Society, Pierre, SD